Graylog 满了,没有自动清理 挤爆硬盘空间,手动清理流程:
Elasticsearch nodes disk usage above high watermark (triggered a few seconds ago)mree are ast search modes i the use wtm a mos mo re disk ther dsk s saoe me e waemak f ths…
在将Graylog部署到生产环境时,我们遇到了一些问题,其中最主要的是无法安装MongoDB并且无法随时重启机器去修改BIOS设置来修复问题 【WARNING: MongoDB 5.0 requires a CPU with AVX support, and your current system does not appear to have that! 】。…
今天在查询日志的时候graylog报了一个错: While retrieving data for this widget, the following error(s) occurred: Unable to perform search query: Elasticsearch exception [typeillegal_argument_exception, reasonResult window is too large, from size …